If you don't come back someday, I'll search through my memories for our times together. I'll select my favorite mental snapshots of you and hold onto them when I need to relive our bond.Thank you for every intimate moment we've shared. Don't go away anytime soon, but just in case you do, you'll always be with me.Don't do it soonwith love you G
announcement of our transmission Sunday 12Go to my Twitter profile and watch the broadcast we will do on Sunday the 12th.If you like it we will do it much more...G's Twitter: @Genesisf4f follow her I want us to be closer.
I realized that, when we talk about ourselves, we usually talk about our roles, so I won't do that. I'll better give you a general description, nothing deep about me. I am G. I love good books, especially those on psychology and neuroscience. I am dazzled by interesting minds, in fact, I put all my attention on beings to discover and see how interesting they can be. Fascination moves my being. by My mind in general. I love to learn about everything. I long to see what my life will be like if I learn and study everything that my being dictates to me. I study psychology and English. I will study various things for many years. A little over a year ago I started with the healthy lifestyle, goals in the gym, healthy and conscious eating. You may believe that I am intolerant to caffeine and energizers hahaha. My greatest goal in life is to create my mind and my being. Live, enjoy and feel every moment of my life like this one in which I write this to you. Normally I don't have favorite things, I do have things I don't like but not favorites. The only thing is the colors. I love black and white, it makes me feel and be me, it has almost always been like that. I don't like seafood or meat. I am not vegan, I clarify, only their flavor and among other things make me not consume them since I was little. The music that makes me feel the most is classical music. In fact, you'll see a piano somewhere I'm trying to learn, hahahaha. In other information I will tell you more about why I like and enjoy this industry and the sexual world, and I decided to be here with you. Get to know me, create memories with me, live experiences with me and allow yourself to spend moments together."
streamer for adults do you like that concept?Personally, I love that inclination for where we are heading. Personally, I will professionalize that direction.
"This question can be so that from now on you know basic details about me. I realized that, when we talk about ourselves, we usually talk about our roles, so I won't do that. I'll better give you a general description, nothing deep about me. I am G. I love good books, especially those on psychology and neuroscience. I am dazzled by interesting minds, in fact, I put all my attention on beings to discover and see how interesting they can be. Fascination moves my being . by My mind in general. I love to learn about everything. I long to see what my life will be like if I learn and study everything that my being dictates to me. I study psychology and English. I will study various things for many years. A little over a year ago I started with the healthy lifestyle, goals in the gym, healthy and conscious eating. You may believe that I am intolerant to caffeine and energizers hahaha. My greatest goal in life is to create my mind and my being. Live, enjoy and feel every moment of my life like this one in which I write this to you. Normally I don't have favorite things, I do have things I don't like but not favorites. The only thing is the colors. I love black and white, it makes me feel and be me, it has almost always been like that. I don't like seafood or meat. I am not vegan, I clarify, only their flavor and among other things make me not consume them since I was little. The music that makes me feel the most is classical music. In fact, you'll see a piano somewhere I'm trying to learn, hahahaha. In other information I will tell you more about why I like and enjoy this industry and the sexual world, and I decided to be here with you. Get to know me, create memories with me, live experiences with me and allow yourself to spend moments together."
Yesterday something happened to me hahahahaha now I laugh but yesterday I cried, I have been working on a Management wiki for more than 50 hours, I put everything together, I collected information, I organized (all my management is moving to that new system) I organized, I researched and it is about to finish. I don't know where I gave it, I don't know what I did and I deleted it, I deleted everything. I was left with the minimum information, the only thing I needed was what I recovered, I disconnected from the transmission, my body remained cold, I carefully reviewed how to recover it but it no longer appeared in edited versions or in the trash. The thing is that I lost everything hahahahaha yesterday with the hormones of my cycle I cried and laughed at the same time I assimilated it, I took care of English and other things and after 30 minutes of assimilating it I feel calm because I think and I am. that type of being who thinks that starting over, losing something of great value, that having lost it simply gives me the opportunity to build it again. today starting again.
Wow, they are shameless, they see me every day, they call me G, which I love, they send me black and white hearts, and they don't have an account to really talk to me. That's shameless LolDON'T call me G and those black and white hearts because I'm dying of love.
Colombia has a beach climate but one of those with which you go with a fan, please no more Valentine's hearts for Genesis, I just want a neck fan that blows in my face all day.
voting for the game Lush lovensemake the decision that if it is very sexy that from now on toys G and with G we will name it every time a new one arrives. Let us join the Exuberant of Love.Option 1: SweetOption 2: Gen VibratingOption 3: Gen dropsoption 4: another option and say
I'm not to waste my life pretending, without something real or not enjoying, I don't know if I told you before, but I enjoy every vibration, I enjoy every smile you bring on me alone in our pv,I enjoy the amazing things that come out of your mind and how simple or complex our encounters can be. I enjoy everything alive with authenticity every moment together.GRzz xTwitter@Genesisf4f Give it to follow, so we'll be closer.
23 Noviembre 2023 I thank you for Your moments day by day by my side, for creating Memories forever and giving a color of passion to Our Days. Thank you today and Diary for you by my side..Xtwitter@Genesisf 4f Give it to follow, so we'll be closer.
23 De Noviembre 2023Agradezco por Tus momentos dia a dia a mi lado, por crear Recuerdos para siempre y Darle un color de pasion a Nuestros Dias. Agradezco hoy y a Diario por ti a mi lado.Xtwitter@Genesisf4f Dale seguir, asi estaremos mas cerca.
They cover their pecs with a strip, they use lycra by squeezing their balls, they go almost without clothes, they wear skirts for sports, ... Not understanding Lol, the impracticality baffles me. I don't want to look pretty in the gym to begin with, I want to be comfortable. I decided not to join.
We meet in two weeks 95 Hours of transmission. We aim to stay over 100 hours every two weeks. Come with me during the day or just spend a few minutes will be just as important to me. "Be ther for you"fondly Genesis @Flirt4free@Flirt4freeGirlsfollow me on Twitter I want you to be more aware of me @Genesisf4f
I will leave my humility for another time. Having a moment with me on Flirt4free is Incredible.It's not if I'm Good, I'm Genesis.
Yesss You have a date with me Tienes una Cita conmigo este Domingo 8 de octubre en un 12 horas de trasmision celebrando mi cumpleanos.Trae tu pene presentable ,tus mejores energias para divertirnos y sumar esos momentos a nuestra memoria.Con Amor, Genesis" "I have a date with you this Sunday, October 8th, for a 12-hour livestream celebrating my birthday.Your presentable penis, your best vibes for a good time, and let's add those moments to our memory.With love,Genesis"
there is a possibility not yet decided to leave twitter only for text and image content and more on snapchat do you like that tw is only text? what do you thitexto
One of the most interesting things that I am going to add to my memory of moments in pv was that you arrived and asked me to read you the book that I was currently reading while I caressed my bare breasts, I only managed to read a couple of pages...
what a great Saturday night Mik... pleasure in public, if you were there you know what I'm talking about The best part apart from what happened with mik..., was when they all pleased me and when they came they wrote "this is for you Genesis" oh I almost had a heart ...
"As you already know, I'm passionate about these kinds of things because we are who we are, and if I'm going to become a psychologist, I definitely need to build my essence real, conscious, and firm. Besides, I can't stand parody examples, like when you go to a nutritionist and they give you an intensive "eat hamburgers" plan with horrifying habits, telling you to take care of yourself. And let me tell you, it really gets on my nerves! You got me, right? I disconnected because I went to therapy. Apart from all the things I could write, there's only one thing I will write about, and that is: when you learn to build your being, your essence, you live a real and fulfilling life. Don't die without knowing yourself; reconstruct what society, family, and other aspects have predetermined for you. Die as a being built by you, based on your decisions about who you are and what you want to do. And don't die without your good doses of Genesis. "
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